The Issue with Wet N Wild’s Cruelty Free Status

Hi Friends!

You may have seen the recent controversy spreading across Instagram concerning Wet N Wild’s Cruelty Free status. I wanted to talk about this situation a little bit more because I am extremely disappointed in Wet N Wild and wanted to share my stance even though I am not a cruelty free blogger.

If you haven’t seen this catastrophe all over Instagram – here is a short summary.

Wet N Wild’s Cruelty Free Claims

Wet N Wild has repeatedly claimed that they are “100% cruelty free”. But not only have they claimed it but they are constantly reminding their customers and leaning on that as a selling point for their brand.

Wet N Wild's Cruelty Free Status | Tayler's EditWet N Wild's Cruelty Free Status | Tayler's EditWet N Wild's Cruelty Free Status | Tayler's Edit

On their website, they have the a whole page dedicated to discussing their cruelty free status and their feelings towards animals. They proudly state that they have never and will never test on animals.


It’s true! wet n wild® NEVER tests on animals, and we are super proud of this. We never have, and we never will. We believe in beauty without cruelty first! None of our furry, feathery, or scaly friends were harmed in the making of our products. Whether you’re a card-carrying vegetarian who is committed to animal rights (and good for you!), or you just love puppies and bunnies and want them to smile (and who doesn’t?), we are with you! We want that too! In fact, most of our products are not only cruelty-free, but vegan as well. Here is a handy list of all of our vegan and non-vegan products. Bookmark it for future shopping purposes! Maybe this is another reason for you to love our products, or maybe it’s a whole new reason for you to check us out. Whatever the reason, animal testing (or our lack thereof) is something we never do, and we are totally passionate about that and always have been!

Despite this being plastered on their website, they also hashtag #crueltyfree in ALL of their Instagram posts. Including this one that just went up a few days ago and you can see that customers are very upset that they are still claiming to be cruelty free.

They also have the cruelty free bunny logo on all of their product packaging. So it is very apparent and notable to customers that they completely claim to be cruelty free.

Caught Selling In China

Wet N Wild Selling In China | Tayler's EditWet N Wild Selling In China | Tayler's Edit

Just last week, there were pictures that leaked of Wet N Wild displays in Watsons which is China’s largest drugstore. Cruelty Free Kitty was tipped off that Wet N Wild was selling in mainland China back in March but when she asked Wet N Wild, they responded with this:

“Thank you for contacting us. At this time, we do not have any retail partners located in China. We thank you kindly for your interest in our products.”

Cruelty Free Kitty posted the photos of Wet N Wild’s makeup in Watsons on Instagram and that is where this one controversy blew up. After the photos were posted, everyone was waiting for a public statement from Wet N Wild.

And here is what Wet N Wild put out:

Wet N Wild's Cruelty Free Statement | Tayler's Edit

As you can see from their statement, not only is Wet N Wild selling in China but they have been there for quite some time. And despite claiming that they were not selling in China.

Why Wet N Wild is Now Widely Considered Non-Cruelty Free

Of course, Wet N Wild’s statement sounds like they are actually cruelty free, right? Well, it just depends on your standards and what you consider to be genuinely cruelty free.

Wet N Wild does not do any animal testing themselves. All of the items manufactured in the USA are not tested on animals. However, any products sold in mainland China are susceptible to animal testing.

Although China no longer requires animal testing on products that are manufactured in China – they do still require post production animal testing. The Chinese government will pull makeup products off the shelf to do testing on them and they are not required to notify the brand.

Wet N Wild's Cruelty Free Status | Tayler's Edit

Because Wet N Wild sells in China in any capacity, they may not be considered cruelty free. Very respected CF bloggers like Logical Harmony and Cruelty Free Kitty no longer consider Wet N Wild cruelty free.

But like I mentioned, this really comes down to your preference, your standards, and your expectations of brands.

My Thoughts

To be honest, I haven’t set out guidelines for myself for what I consider to be cruelty free or not. As you may know, I am not a cruelty free blogger – I still use brands that may test on animals or sell in countries (like China) that test on animals. However, I do see this as a big benefit for brands and respect brands that have values like not testing on animals.

I really care that brands are upfront and honest about their CF status. This is something that is really important to consumers to be aware of. And everyone should have access to accurate information so they make informed purchasing decision.

Cruelty Free Kitty said that even the morning of the images being released, Wet N Wild was still claiming that they were not selling in China. If that is true, this is truly manipulative. Wet N Wild knew that if they came out that they were selling in China, their customers would be very disappointed and upset so they refused to be honest.

Wet N Wild's Cruelty Free Status | Tayler's Edit

I am not completely boycotting Wet N Wild but I hope that they come forward and are more honest with their customers going forward. I don’t want to be apart of “cancel culture” but I am extremely disappointed in Wet N Wild’s lack of transparency.

Mac Cosmetics is another brand that does not personally do any animal testing but because they sell in China, they recognize that they are not 100% cruelty free. Here is their statement on their brand website: Wet N Wild should follow their lead.

The big problem here is with China’s laws that require post production manufacturing. It’s a real shame that this is a requirement for makeup sold there.

What Do You Think?

I am really curious what you think about this whole situation! Do you feel like Wet N Wild betrayed their customers or do you think its just a technicality?

What are your standards for a cruelty free brand?

Sources & Photo Credit


Follow me on Instagram: @taylersedit

12 thoughts on “The Issue with Wet N Wild’s Cruelty Free Status

  1. I got a recent love with wet n wild. But I find it very upsetting that they are doing it willingly when they know that their products are going to be tested on animals. They should stick with cruelty free thing.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I agree – I love Wet N Wild products but am definitely disappointed in their lack of transparency. They claim to care about animals but then knowingly deceive their customers to make money. It’s just sad.


  2. I think I’m about where you are with them… I’m upset they weren’t transparent and seemed to be completely lying about it. That’s so dumb. How did they think no one would find out? Hello, internet?? And people travel lol. I literally just bought two WnW items to use and review 🙄 I’m not throwing it out but I probably won’t purchase from them for awhile.


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